February 19, 2009

Where am I Going?

Since the intensive I have been looking at other areas of the country and how they have developed arts districts or expanded and connected existing facilities to each other. Basically trying to see what has been successful and what has been a failure. Some of the cities have focused solely on artist studio space, leaving residential completely out of the picture. Others have combined the two, having the artist living and working in the same space, with community baths and kitchen facilities.

As I looked at the possibilities, I realized that I want to do something in between. I want to have units that can be large enough to have residential and studio space, some just studio, and others just residential.

Overall the district seems to be as I had started to envision, large open areas for festivals and concerts, intimate areas for people to sit and enjoy the art around them and a feature that somehow points back to days gone by. Tying the past to the present and building for the future.
In the coming weeks I am trying to work on creating an identity for the area through lighting, signage and having art placed throughout the area. Maybe allowing the artists creating seating, bike racks and signs, the artist can showcase their art in ways that can be seen and experienced by the entire community.

With some of the of these thoughts in mind I started working on the vision and objectives for the area which follow.

The creation of an arts district that connects existing cultural, historical, and artistic resources for people to live, learn, work and play. A place where people can gather and celebrate

· Reinforce the connection of the key facilities to each other
· Encourage public and private investment that rebuilds the local economy
· Publicize the vision of the district
· Attract artist in residence to the area
· Create artist lofts and studio in existing and new building stock
· Improve interaction between artists and residents
· Mark boundary of district with special lighting fixtures and banner
· Create features and areas for public use while adding a new sense of safety and accessibility
· Create and strengthen the connections in the district to surrounding art schools and other educational facilities outside the district

One of the areas I started looking at was the where the canals ran throughout the area and how they handled the rise and fall of the land. As I studied I started thinking of replacing the canal, in a more modern way and making it the feature I was looking for to help define the area. As my interpretation of the canal goes through the site it drops in elevation as it follows the original path, crossing under the roads and sidewalks and appearing on the other side at a lower level, much the same as the original would have.

Original canal lock

My interpretation of a modern lock.